3 Reasons Why You Should Use Email To SMS


March 7th, 2017


3 Reasons Why You Should Use Email2SMS


  1. SMS is currently the most widely and frequently used form of written communication. In fact, 6.1 billion people regularly use SMS and many of them on a daily basis.*


  1. Email open rate is 22%, SMS 98-99%.* With email being subject to more and more spam, it has become less and less personal. Meanwhile, SMS is the fastest, most responsive and unobtrusive way of communicating.


  1. In the 21st century there is a drive to more personalisation in marketing, communication and sales. Since mobile is much more personal there is also a feeling of greater urgency when you receive a text message.


With Boomerang’s service, Boommail, you can now send 1 and 2-Way SMS and Voice messages directly from your email client as well as have an ongoing conversation. And the best thing is that you don’t have to install anything! When you sign up, you are ready to go from the start. Multi-Channel messaging puts your organisation ahead of the competition and allows you to reach out to people within and outside of your organisation and receive a much better response than ever before.


P.S. boomMail also allows you to send international messages without paying anything extra, as the text messages will be sent from the local country!

 boomMail – No Obligation Free Trial

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