The Five Best Ways to Utilize Your CRM Software


February 14th, 2014


When it comes to running a company, keeping your customers happy should be top priority. After all, without them you would soon start to struggle. This is where CRM software really comes into its own, allowing you to understand your customers better and know exactly how they feel about your service. However, many businesses aren’t using these systems to their full potential, here’s how you can change this:

1. Use a Simpler Interface

If the interface you are using looks as though it would be more at home on the international space station then it may be time to change. Complicated systems can mean that information gets mixed up, transactions don’t get recorded and the programme loses effectiveness. By using a CRM system that is more user friendly, you can eliminate these issues however a complete change is not always necessary as there may be plug-ins available.

2. CRM Plug-In

One of the ways that you can make your software more efficient is by using CRM plug-ins. For example, if you are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM system then you can install the CRM Plug-In from Boomerang to give you a more efficient system – with better organisation, rich features and the ability to build SMS and voice communications into your business process. This simple communication feature means that not only can you maintain excellent customer records, but you also have a much more capable outreach ability.

 3. Improve Data Control

The success of your CRM depends largely on the information that is gathered and stored. Certain systems allow you to manually select which categories to record, while others simply take a broad range of data. The better the data you collect, the more beneficial it will be to your company as you will be able to analyse buying patterns and make necessary changes to increase sales.

 4. Look at the Data

 Having a good CRM system isn’t enough. You need to actually go through the data it collects in order to better understand your customers. Ignoring this could mean that you are missing out on increased sales and won’t perform as efficiently as you should be. Make sure that you’re checking up on these figures regularly and making the necessary changes to the way your company works. This information can reveal insights to the way your customers shop with you, so if it is properly explored and adapted then you could see a boost in sales.

 5. Find Your Best Customers

If you believe the experts, then you’ll know that somewhere in the region of 20% of your customers generate around 80% of your revenue. Set up your CRM to find this 20% and then focus more attention on them. By giving your best customers an excellent experience and dedicated support they are likely to continue shopping with you. This also allows your sales team to focus on more profitable customers, reducing the amount of time wasted on dead ends and helping to improve the way your business operates.

If you’re a user of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and want to maximise its effectiveness, check out Boomerang’s CRM plug-in. This will allow you to run your Dynamics CRM as a stand-alone entity and easily include custom communications solutions, a simple, yet invaluable marketing tool for any business.

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