Enhancing The Capability Of Existing Software Solution


Enhancing the capability of existing software solutions

In a technology driven environment the automation of processes is vital to ensure software systems are fulfilling everyday transactions from appointments, deliveries, notifications and reminders.

Messaging System

Unrecognised input!

SMS Message

Text message reminder is sent to customer

Sends SMS

The customer submits an appointment change request, which triggers a system lookup for available dates. Dates are inserted into an auto reply message to customer

SMS Sent

VP notified that customer has rearranged appointment

SMS Sent

VP notified that customer has rearranged appointment

SMS sent

VP notified that customer has cancelled appointment

SMS sent

SMS sent to waiting list notifying of available appointment slot

Enhancing The Capability Of Existing Software Solution

Whilst many software vendors have adopted SMS as a way of notifying by the use of reminder messages and by also allowing the customer greater control of the appointment or delivery process (via websites and portals), the cost of missed appointments and deliveries is still hugely significant. Software providers and users integrating Boomerang’s Intelligent Messaging have been able address many of these problems by driving automation into a range of everyday processes.

Achieving a greater level of automation helps organisations to reduce operational overheads, generate greater efficiency gains whilst empowering the end user with greater control.


  • Improve efficiency of stakeholder communications.
  • Any mobile device becomes an extension of your business process.
  • Extend the communication reach of existing software.
  • Minimise failures resulting from human error.


  • MS Dynamcis CRM SMS Plugin
  • Messaging gateway for siloed business applications ERM / CRM / Oracle etc.
  • Scheduling software integration

Boomerang: Start Your Free Trial Today!

We provide a comprehensive range of messaging applications designed to suit the needs of your business.

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